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Superior Trading Technology

Trading Platforms

Our trading platforms have been designed with the professional trader in mind.

  • Optimize your trading speed and efficiency with our market maker-designed Trader Workstation (TWS). Easily toggle back and forth between our two interfaces:
    • Mosaic provides out-of-the-box usability in a single, comprehensive and intuitive workspace with quick and easy access to trading, order management and portfolio tools from a single screen.
    • Classic TWS gives you single-click trading in a spreadsheet-like interface, with access to our advanced trading tools in multiple windows.
  • Use our HTML-based WebTrader, a clean and simple interface that works from behind a firewall. Easily view market data and research, manage and submit orders, and monitor your order and account activity.
  • Use IB TWS to trade your IB account on-the-go from just about any mobile device, including the iPhone™ and iPad™, Android phone or tablet, or Blackberry®.
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Order Types and Algos

Order Types and Algos

TWS supports a wide variety of order types and algos to accommodate the needs of all traders and all strategies.

  • Choose from over 90 order types and algos that can help limit risk, speed execution, provide price improvement, allow privacy and time the market.
  • Use IBAlgos to help balance market impact with risk to achieve the best execution for your large volume orders. Our advanced trading algorithms that help implement optimal trading strategies in Trader Workstation (TWS). In addition to our IBAlgos, TWS includes the Accumulate/Distribute Algo, which minimizes market impact for large orders by slicing the order into increments and buying or selling over time at pre-defined, randomized time intervals.
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Trading Tools

Advanced Trading Tools

Our suite of Option Labs and advanced trading tools offer support to help you discover and implement optimal trading strategies.

  • Probability Lab Offers a practical way to think about options without the complicated mathematics.
  • Option Strategy Lab Create simple and complex multi-leg option orders based on your own price and volatility forecast.
  • Volatility Lab This useful trader dashboard provides a snapshot of past and future readings for volatility on a stock, its industry peers, and some measure of the broad market.
  • ScaleTrader Helps execute large volume orders while minimizing the effects of increasingly deteriorating prices.
  • OptionTrader Lets you easily view data and manage simple and complex options orders from a single customizable screen.
  • FXTrader Trade FOREX markets from an optimized trading interface.

Alternative Access via IB API and FIX CTCI

We provide alternatives for customers who prefer to access the IB trading system using their own front end. Use our IB Application Programming Interface (API) or our for FIX CTCI connections.

  • Create your own customized trading application using our proprietary API. Our API is available in multiple programming languages and does not require additional technical overhead such as a dedicated FIX server.
  • Access our trading system using our industry-standard FIX CTCI solution, which is designed for customers who can support a FIX Computer-to-Computer Interface (CTCI) infrastructure.
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Risk Navigator

Risk Management

Our trading platforms have been designed with the professional trader in mind.

  • Real-time monitoring systems help you understand and manage your own trading risk at any moment of the day so you can react quickly to changes in the market.
  • Real-time margining continuously enforces limits for each account, automatically liquidating positions if any individual account violates its limits at any time.
  • IB Risk NavigatorTM, our free real-time market risk management platform, unifies exposure across multiple asset classes around the globe and lets you monitor and adjust your risk profile.
  • Orders are automatically vetted on a pre-trade basis.

Securities Financing

Our Securities Financing solutions provide depth of availability, transparent rates, global reach and automated lending and borrowing tools to professional traders.

In Account Management
  • Search for real-time availability of shortable stocks with indicative borrow rates using our fully electronic, self-service Short Stock Availability Tool.
  • Join our Stock Yield Enhancement Program, which lets you lend your fully-paid stock shares and earn half the borrow revenue received by Interactive Brokers.
  • Join our Pre-Borrow Program, which lets you pre-borrow shares.
  • Sign up for IB FYIs to be notified when a borrow becomes available for shares that you were unable to short in the last week.
  • View the number of shares available to short, the current interest rate charged on borrowed shares and the current Fed Funds rate.
  • View charted daily rate history and intraday time and sales of stock loan fees in the SLB Rates window.
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