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Eurex Benchmark Derivatives

Eurex Benchmark Derivatives

Eurex Benchmark Derivatives

The building blocks of Europe

Eurex Products

Available at Interactive Brokers with Professional Pricing

Access to Highly Traded Benchmarks

DAX® and EURO STOXX® 50 Futures are among the most liquid equity index products in Europe. Extended trading hours create more trading and hedging opportunities for global trading participants from outside the EU.

Blue Chip Derivatives

Benefit from reliable trading volumes including the successful DAX® and EURO STOXX 50® indices, which comprises the largest companies in the euro area.

Take a View on Volatility

VSTOXX® Futures and Options on the VSTOXX® Index to take a view on European volatility. It is designed to reflect the investor sentiment and overall economic uncertainty by measuring the 30-day implied volatility of the EURO STOXX 50®, offering the most accurate and cost-effective way to have access to European volatility.

DAX® Index Futures

Your Gateway to Germany

The DAX® is Deutsche Börse’s blue-chip index for the German stock market, one of Europe’s most efficient stock markets. It’s comprised of the largest and most actively traded German companies. The smaller-sized contracts give investors across the globe the opportunity to fine-tune their German benchmark index exposure with significantly lower contract values.

Key Benefits:

  • Attractive and liquid market
  • Exchange-traded benefits
  • Access to Germany
  • Trading and clearing across all time zones

Low Fees1


EUR 0.25 to 0.90
per contract
plus exchange and regulatory fees

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Product Details:

DAX® Futures Mini-DAX® Futures Micro-DAX® Futures
Underlying Indices DAX® Index DAX® Index DAX® Index
Eurex Product Code FDAX FDXM FDXS
Bloomberg Ticker GXA Index DFWA Index MZSA Index
Contract Value (per index point) EUR 25 EUR 5 EUR 1
Minimum Price Change (per index point) 1 1 1
Contract Term Up to 36 months: The Twelve nearest quarterly months of the March, June, September and December cycle. Up to 9 months: The first three quarterly months of the March, June, September and December cycle.
Last Trading Day / Final Settlement Day Third Friday of the maturity/expiry month
Settlement Cash settlement
Final Settlement Price Index calculated based on intraday auction prices
Trading Hours 7:10 PM – 4:00 PM US Eastern Standard Time (EST) | 1:10 AM -10:00 PM Central European Time (CET)
Trading Calendar Each Eurex trading day

Why Trade Eurex DAX® Index Futures with Interactive Brokers?

Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR) is an automated global electronic broker that serves individual investors, hedge funds, proprietary trading groups, registered investment advisors and introducing brokers.

Our four-decade focus on technology and automation allows us to provide our clients with a sophisticated, global trading platform with professional pricing for managing investments. IBKR clients enjoy access to cryptocurrencies, stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds, funds and more on over 160 markets in 36 countries.

Already an Interactive Brokers Client?

If you are an IBKR client with trading Permission for All Europe or German futures, you can trade by entering DAX in to one of our trading platforms.

If you do not have All Europe or German futures trading permissions, simply log in to Client Portal and request Futures trading permissions from the User (“head/shoulders” icon) > Settings > Trading - Trading Permissions menu item.

Request Trading Permission

Interested in learning more about DAX® Index Futures?

Eurex offers several resources to help you learn more about DAX® Index Futures:

Eurex trader at computer

EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures

Trading Europe

The EURO STOXX 50® index comprises the 50 leading blue-chip stocks in the Eurozone countries. They are ideally suited for hedging and enhancing the performance of equity portfolios.

Futures on the EURO STOXX 50® Index are the most actively traded equity index derivatives at Eurex and amongst the world’s most liquid futures.

Key Benefits:

  • Access to liquid European benchmark
  • Available as standard and micro futures
  • Capital efficiency
  • Exchange-traded benefits
  • Trading and clearing across all time zones

Low Fees1


EUR 0.25 to 0.90
per contract
plus exchange and regulatory fees

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Product Details:

EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures Micro-EURO STOXX 50® Futures
Underlying Indices EURO STOXX 50® Index EURO STOXX 50® Index
Eurex Product Code FESX FSXE
Bloomberg Ticker VGA Index CT MZTA Index
Contract Value (per index point) EUR 10 EUR 1
Minimum Price Change (per index point) 1 0.5
Contract Term Up to 36 months: The twelve nearest quarterly months of the March, June, September, and December cycle. Up to 9 months: The first three quarterly months of the March, June, September and December cycle
Last Trading Day / Final Settlement Day Third Friday of each maturity month if this is an exchange day; otherwise, the exchange day immediately preceding that day. Close of trading in the maturing futures on the last trading day is at 12:00 CET. Third Friday of the relevant month at 12:00 CET
Daily Settlement Price Current maturity month: derived from the volume-weighted average of the prices of all transactions during the minute before 17:30 CET, provided that more than five trades transacted within this period. Remaining maturity months: determined based on the average bid/ask spread of the combination order book. -
Final Settlement Price Based on the average of the respective STOXX® Index values calculated between 11:50 and 12:00 CET. Average price of the underlying in the period between 11:50 -12:00 CET
Trading Hours 7:10 PM – 4:00 PM US Eastern Standard Time (EST) | 1:10 AM -10:00 PM Central European Time (CET)

Why Trade EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures with Interactive Brokers?

Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR) is an automated global electronic broker that serves individual investors, hedge funds, proprietary trading groups, registered investment advisors and introducing brokers.

Our four-decade focus on technology and automation allows us to provide our clients with a sophisticated, global trading platform with professional pricing for managing investments. IBKR clients enjoy access to cryptocurrencies, stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds, funds and more on over 160 markets in 36 countries.

Already an Interactive Brokers Client?

If you are an IBKR client with trading Permission for All Europe or German futures, you can trade by entering ESTX50 in to one of our trading platforms. If you do not have All Europe or German futures trading permissions, simply log in to Client Portal and request Futures trading permissions from the User (“head/shoulders” icon) > Settings > Trading - Trading Permissions menu item.

Request Trading Permission

Interested in Learning More About EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures?

Eurex offers several resources to help you learn more about Eurex EURO STOXX 50® Index futures:

Eurex trader at computer

VSTOXX® Derivatives

The European Volatility Benchmark

Using the real-time prices of the EURO STOXX 50® options to measure the 30-day implied volatility, the VSTOXX® Index is designed to reflect the investor sentiment and overall economic uncertainty in Europe. As investors have realized there is no global proxy for risk management, they look for more precise ways to manage European-specific risk.

Key Benefits:

  • Liquidity
  • Global Availability
  • Best Hedging

Low Fees1


EUR 0.25 to 0.90
per contract
plus exchange and regulatory fees

View Commissions

Product Details:

VSTOXX® Futures Options on VSTOXX® Futures
Underlying Indices The VSTOXX® Index, a market estimate of expected volatility that is calculated every 5 seconds by using real-time EURO STOXX 50® Option bid/ask quotes VSTOXX® Futures
Eurex Product Code FVS OVS2
TWS - -
Contract Value (per index point) EUR 100 per volatility index point
Price Quotation and Minimum Price Change 0.05 (equivalent to EUR 5) 0.025 (equivalent to EUR 2.5)
Contract Term The next eight successive calendar months
Exercise - American-style; an option can be exercised until the end of the Post-Trading Full Period (20:30 CET) on any exchange day during the lifetime of the option.
Exercise Price Intervals - All option series have exercise prices with price gradations in the amount of not less than one point
Last Trading Day / Final Settlement Day 30 calendar days prior to the third Friday of the expiration month of the underlying options. This is usually the Wednesday prior to the second last Friday of the respective expiration/maturity month.
Final Settlement Price TWAP of the underlying strip on the last trading day between 11:30 and 12:00 CET (11:00 to 12:00 CET starting in the Sep 2024 contract)
Settlement Cash settlement, payable on the first exchange day following the final settlement day. Physical delivery of the underlying. The underlying is maturing on the same exchange day and is settled in cash.
Daily Settlement Price Determined during the closing auction of the respective futures contract Established by Eurex, determined through a binomial pricing model
Trading Hours 7:10 PM – 4:00 PM US Eastern Standard Time (EST)
1:10 AM -10:00 PM Central European Time (CET)
2:50 AM – 11:30 AM US Eastern Standard Time (EST)
8:50 AM -5:30 PM Central European Time (CET)

Why Trade VSTOXX® Derivatives with Interactive Brokers?

Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR) is an automated global electronic broker that serves individual investors, hedge funds, proprietary trading groups, registered investment advisors and introducing brokers.

Our four-decade focus on technology and automation allows us to provide our clients with a sophisticated, global trading platform with professional pricing for managing investments. IBKR clients enjoy access to cryptocurrencies, stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds, funds and more on over 160 markets in 36 countries.

Already an Interactive Brokers Client?

If you are an IBKR client with trading Permission for All Europe or German futures, you can trade by entering V2TX in to one of our trading platforms. If you do not have All Europe or German futures or options trading permissions, simply log in to Client Portal and request trading permissions from the User (“head/shoulders” icon) > Settings > Trading - Trading Permissions menu item.

Request Trading Permission


  1. Low trading fees according to BrokerChooser Online Broker Survey 2025: Read the full article Online Broker Reviews, February 2025. "Interactive Brokers has low trading fees and the best margin rates in the industry. IB currently pays interest (up to 3.83% for USD) on cash balances if you have a $100k account (net asset value)."