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Cboe SPX

Execute Trading Strategies Quickly with Highly Liquid S&P 500® Index Options

Liquid & Versatile Trading: S&P 500 index options are highly liquid and can be used to express views on market movement, for a range of trading strategies, and offer global investment opportunities.

Experience trading flexibility with Cboe's SPX® suite of index options with Interactive Brokers.

Discover how these contracts can meet your specific
trading needs:
Large Notional Size, Mini or Nanos
From Big to Small: Find the Right Fit for You

With standard, mini, and nano contracts in the SPX suite, you can choose the perfect size to match your investing goals.

Global Trading Hours
Trade Around the Clock

The SPX suite lets you react to market events nearly 24 hours a day 5 days a week. Seize opportunities well beyond regular trading hours and stay ahead of the game, wherever you are in the world.

Daily Expirations
Precision and Control with Daily Expirations

Enhance your trading strategy with daily expirations. Trade weekly options up to the last day of expiration at market close every trading day of the week.

Cash Settlement & European Exercise
Cash Settlement & European Exercise

All contracts are cash settled and no risk of early exercise, and no delivery of unwanted shares or market exposure. Your trading account is credited or debited in cash, ensuring a seamless experience.

Additional benefits include:

60/40 Tax Treatment: Maximize your capital gains with favorable tax treatment.1

Large Notional Size, Mini or Nanos: Trade standard S&P 500 Index options (SPX®) or Minis (XSP®) at 1/10th the size, or NanosSM at 1/100th the size of XSP.2

Global Trading Hours: Trade SPX, SPX Weeklys, and XSP index options across all time zones, nearly 24 hours a day 5 days a week.3

Cboe Mini Index Options

Low Cost


USD 0.70 to 2.51*

on SPX, per contract • all in

USD 0.31 to 0.60*

on XSP, per contract • all in

USD 0.12 to 0.13*

on Nanos, per contract • all in

View Options Commissions

*Commissions depend on monthly traded volume and other factors.

Time Zone Global Trading Hours Regular Trading Hours
Chicago 7:15 PM - 8:25 AM 8:30 AM - 3:15 PM
London* 1:15 AM - 2:25 PM 2:30 PM - 9:15 PM
Hong Kong, Singapore* 9:15 AM - 10:25 PM 10:30 PM - 5:15 AM
Sydney* 12:15 AM - 1:25 PM 1:30 AM - 8:15 AM

*Trading hours are determined by the time in Chicago. Note that Daylight Saving Time (DST) procedures vary by time zone and will affect the times shown here. For non-U.S. clients shown in this table, the trading hours may shift by one hour as the U.S. changes between Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time.

Comparison of SPX Index Options

From veteran to new traders, the SPX suite of index options offers an array of benefits and product features.

Product Feature SPX Index Options – Standard SPX Index Options – SPX Weeklys and End-of-Month Mini-SPX Options (XSP) Nanos S&P 500 Index Options

Ticker Symbol





Contract Multiplier





Approximate Notional Size
(with index value of SPX at 4100, XSP at 410 and NANOS at 410)

(4100 x $100)

(4100 x $100)

(410 x $100)

(410 x $1)

Premium Dollar Price
Example: 2-day at-the-money (ATM) option





A.M. or P.M. Settlement

A.M. - settled

P.M. - settled

P.M. - settled

P.M. - settled

Settlement Type

Cash (no delivery of physical shares)

Settlement Date

3rd Friday

Weeklys: Every Trading Day
End-of-Month: Last Trading Day of Month

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., 3rd Fri. and Last Trading Day of Month

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Exercise Style

European (no risk of early assignment)

Tax Treatment

60% long term, 40% short-term capital gains1

Global Trading Hours3





Trading For the Forward-Thinking Investor

Benefits of Index Options


Read White Paper

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Why Trade Cboe® SPX Index Options with Interactive Brokers?

Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR) is an automated global electronic broker that serves individual investors, hedge funds, proprietary trading groups, registered investment advisors and introducing brokers.

Our four-decade focus on technology and automation allows us to provide our clients with a sophisticated, global trading platform with the lowest costs for managing investments. IBKR clients enjoy access to stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds, funds and more on over 160 markets in 36 countries.

Already a Client?

If you are an IBKR client with Options trading permission, you can already trade Cboe® Mini Index Options. If you do not have Options trading permissions, simply log into Client Portal, click the My Investment Accounts icon (the "head and shoulders" image at top right), choose Settings and then Trading Permissions (in the Trading section.)

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  1. Under section 1256 of the Tax Code, profit and loss on transactions in certain exchange-traded options, including SPX, Mini-SPX (XSP) and Nano options, are entitled to be taxed at a rate equal to 60% long-term and 40% short-term capital gain or loss, provided that the investor involved and the strategy employed satisfy the criteria of the Tax Code. Investors should consult with their tax advisors to determine how the profit and loss on any particular option strategy will be taxed. Tax laws and regulations change from time to time and may be subject to varying interpretations.
  2. Nanos trade on Cboe® as a $1 multiplier option (versus a $100 multiplier for standard options) on the Mini- S&P 500 Index, which is 1/10th the value of the S&P 500 Index. While capital risk for a contract holder is limited to the price of the premium and is thus reduced relative to the same number of standard contracts, the capital risk associated with writing Nanos by Cboe® contracts remains open-ended.
  3. Global Trading Hours (GTH) The trading hours for options on the SPX, SPXW (SPX Weeklys and SPX End-of-Month), and SPXPM begin at 8:15 p.m. Eastern time and end at 9:15 a.m Eastern time. Please visit the Trading Hours page for more details.

  • There are important risks associated with transacting in any of the Cboe® Company products or any of the digital assets discussed here. Before engaging in any transactions in those products or digital assets, it is important for market participants to carefully review the disclosures and disclaimers contained at: https://www.cboe.com/us_disclaimers/.