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Trade Bursa Malaysia Futures

Bursa Malaysia hero - Malaysia Kuala Lumpur skyline

Trade the Bursa Malaysia Exchange
at Interactive Brokers

Access one of the largest bourses in ASEAN

Bursa Malaysia logo

Bursa Malaysia is an Exchange holding company incorporated in 1976 and listed in 2005. It has grown to be one of the largest bourses in ASEAN. Today, Bursa Malaysia operates and regulates a multi-asset exchange, offering a comprehensive range of investment, capital raising, and exchange-related facilities. Bursa Malaysia is committed to its mission of Creating Opportunities, Growing Value for the Malaysian capital market, economy, and society.

Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad is the sole stock exchange of Malaysia. With a market cap of USD 380 Billion, comprised of 970 listed companies, Bursa Malaysia is one of the largest stock exchanges in Southeast Asia. The financial services industry, manufacturing, and the oil & gas sector are major contributors to its diversified economy.

Interactive Brokers is among the few brokers to provide access to trade Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)-denominated equities and ETFs in Bursa Malaysia’s Main Market and Ace Market. In addition, IBKR helps facilitate client access to the Bursa Malaysia exchange by automatically converting your account’s base currency into Malaysian Ringgit for trading the exchange.

Main Market

The Main Market is a prime market for established companies that have met the standards in terms of quality, size and operations. Potential issuers for the Main Market must demonstrate that they have achieved minimum profit track record or minimum size measured by market capitalization.

Visit the Bursa Malaysia website for more information on listing criteria, the listing process and the Main Market.

Learn more about Main Market

Ace Market

ACE Market is a sponsor-driven market designed for companies with growth prospects. It was formerly known as the MESDAQ Market prior to 3 August 2009. Sponsors must assess the suitability of potential issuers and consider attributes such as business prospects, corporate conduct and adequacy of internal control.

Visit the Bursa Malaysia website for more information on listing criteria, the listing process or information on contacting an adviser/sponsor.

Learn more about Ace Market

FCPO is a Ringgit Malaysia (MYR) denominated Crude Palm Oil Futures Contract traded on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives. Since October 1980, it has provided market participants with a global price benchmark for the Crude Palm Oil Market. For over 40 years, FCPO has been actively used by edible oils and fats industry players as a risk management solution, as well as by fund managers and financial institutions to manage price fluctuations in the market.

The Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification requirement, effective 1 April 2021, applies to all FCPO physical delivery. This makes Bursa Malaysia Derivatives the first Exchange in the world to offer physically delivered commodity derivatives contracts with a sustainable requirement mandated for delivery. In addition, the FCPO Contract is Shariah-compliant.

Bursa Malaysia Derivatives' Palm Complex offerings consolidate Malaysia's position as the leading price discovery centre for palm oil traded globally.

Why trade Bursa Malaysia Crude Palm Oil Futures (FCPO)?

  • Global Access
    FCPO is traded electronically on CME GLOBEX®, a global electronic trading platform. Accessing CME Globex® is easy and allows individual and professional traders anywhere around the world to access all Bursa Malaysia Derivatives products.
  • Risk Management
    Plantation companies, refineries, exporters and millers can use FCPO to manage risk and hedge against the risk of unfavorable price movement in the physical market.
  • Leveraged Trading
    Gain leveraged exposure to the notional value of the underlying asset with a relatively small amount of capital (Initial Margin), magnifying the effect of a given change in price.
  • Immediate Market Exposure
    Global fund managers, commodity trading advisers, and proprietary traders can gain immediate exposure to the active Crude Palm Oil market via FCPO.
  • Take Advantage of Both Bull and Bear Markets
    FCPO provides retail investors with a structured product to access the Crude Palm Oil market. Buy low and sell high for a bullish outlook on the movement of Crude Palm Oil prices, and vice versa for a bearish outlook.
  • Sustainable Physical Delivery Process
    All physical delivery of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) under the FCPO contract must be sourced from Palm Oil Mills that fulfil Oil Palm Management Certification (OPMC) under the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme requirements.

Contract Specifications

Contract Code FCPO
Underlying Instrument Crude Palm Oil
Contract Size 25 Metric Tons (MT)
Contract Months Spot month and the next 11 succeeding months, and thereafter, alternate months up to 36 months ahead
Trading Hours

Monday to Friday (Malaysia time)

  • Morning trading session: 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
  • Afternoon trading Session: 2.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m

Monday to Thursday (Malaysia time)

  • After-hours (T+1) trading session: 9.00 p.m. to 11.30 p.m
Pricing Unit Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
Price Limits
  1. With the exception of trades in the current delivery month, trades for future delivery of Crude Palm Oil in any month, must not be made, during any 1 Business Day, at prices varying more than 10% above or below the settlement prices of the preceding Business Day ("the 10% Limit") except as provided below:
    1. When the 10% Limit is triggered (except for the current month), the Exchange will announce a 10-minute cooling off period ("the Cooling Off Period") for Contracts of all contract months (except the current delivery month) during which trading may only take place within the 10% Limit.
    2. Following the Cooling Off Period, Contracts of all contract months will be specified as reserved for a period of 5 minutes, after which the price limit will be expanded to 15%. The prices traded for Contracts of all contract months (except the current month) must then not vary more than 15% above or below the settlement prices of the preceding Business Day ("the 15% Limit").
    3. If the 10% Limit is triggered less than 30 minutes before the end of the morning trading session, the 10% Limit will apply to Contracts of all contract months for the rest of the morning trading session and the 15% Limit will apply to Contracts of all contract months during the afternoon trading session.
    4. If the 10% Limit is triggered less than 30 minutes before the end of afternoon trading session, the 10% Limit will apply to Contracts of all contract months for the rest of the afternoon session.
    5. If the 10% Limit is triggered less than 30 minutes before the end of the after-hours (T+1) trading session, the 10% Limit will apply to Contracts of all contract months (except the current month) for the rest of the after-hours (T+1) trading session and the 15 % Limit will apply to Contracts of all contract months (except the current month) for the following morning and afternoon trading sessions.
  2. For the purposes of paragraph 1(a), the 10% Limit will be considered triggered in the manner the Exchange may prescribe.
    * When at least 3 non-spot month contracts are trading at the 10% Limit, the Exchange shall announce a 10-minute cooling off periods
Minimum Price Fluctuation MYR 1.00 / MT
Final Settlement Physical Delivery
* All FCPO physical delivery must be Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certified.
Options Available OCPO

FKLI is a Ringgit Malaysia ("MYR") denominated FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (FBM KLCI) Futures Contract traded on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives, providing market participants exposure to the underlying FBM KLCI constituents. It is actively used by both institutional and retail investors in their respective trading portfolios.

Why trade FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI Futures (FKLI)?

  • Exposure to Constituents of FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (FBM KLCI)
    Gain exposure to the FBM KLCI comprising the 30 largest companies listed on the Bursa Malaysia Main Market with a single futures contract.
  • Lower Cost of Entry
    In addressing an interim cash shortage, an institution may buy the FKLI as a temporary substitute for holding stocks and liquidate the futures position later once the physical stocks are acquired. This entails a cheaper entry (via initial margin) for similar exposure, minus the cost of an outright purchase.
  • Ability to Short Sell
    When there is a bearish market outlook, a trader can sell a FKLI contract first to initiate a short position and buy back later at a lower price to close out the position and vice versa.
  • Prudent Capital Management
    An insurance company or fund manager with an equity portfolio may use FKLI as a hedging tool to protect the portfolio against a potential decline of the underlying stock index.
  • Leveraged Trading
    Market participants may use FKLI to gain leveraged exposure to the price volatility of the underlying FBM KLCI index.
  • Global Access
    FKLI is traded electronically on CME GLOBEX®, a global electronic trading platform. Accessing CME GLOBEX® is easy and allows individual and professional traders anywhere around the world to access all Bursa Malaysia Derivatives products.

Contract Specifications

Contract Code FKLI
Underlying Instrument FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (FBM KLCI)
Contract Size FBM KLCI multiplied by MYR 50.00
Contract Month Spot month, the next month and the next two calendar quarterly months. The calendar quarterly months are March, June, September and December.
Trading Hours

Monday to Friday (Malaysia time)

  • Morning trading session: 8:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
  • Afternoon trading session: 2:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.

Monday to Thursday (Malaysia time)

  • After-hours (T+1) trading session: 9.00 p.m. to 2.30 a.m.
Pricing Unit Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
Minimum Price Fluctuation 0.5 index point valued at MYR 25.00
Final Trading Day Cash Settlement based on the Final Settlement Value.
Financial charting screen

Why Trade the Bursa Malaysia Exchange with Interactive Brokers?

Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR) is an automated global electronic broker that serves individual investors, hedge funds, proprietary trading groups, registered investment advisors and introducing brokers.

Our four-decade focus on technology and automation allows us to provide our clients with a sophisticated, global trading platform with the lowest costs for managing investments. IBKR clients enjoy access to stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds, funds and more on over 160 markets in 36 countries.

Already a Client?

If you are an IBKR client with "All Asia Pacific" or "Malaysia" Futures trading permission, you can already trade Bursa Malaysia futures. If you would like to request Futures trading permissions or modify your existing permissions, simply log in to Client Portal, navigate to the User ("head/shoulders" icon) > Settings > Trading Permissions – Futures menu item, click Add/Edit, Select "All Asia Pacific" or "Malaysia" and click Continue.

Trading permission upgrades are subject to a compliance review, which is typically completed within 1-2 business days.

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