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Rebalance Portfolio

Trader Workstation's Rebalance Portfolio window lets you quickly and easily rebalance your entire portfolio across all asset classes, simplifying the process of realigning a portfolio based
on your investment goals and risk tolerances.

Rebalance Portfolio

TWS Rebalance Portfolio offers traders the following benefits:
  • Automatically open and close positions to rebalance your entire portfolio based on new allocation percentages that you enter.
  • Advisors can automatically rebalance all accounts, a single subaccount, or a user-defined Account Group.
  • Add financial instruments and create orders just as you would in the TWS Quote Monitor.

  • Quickly modify allocated amounts to suit your risk profile.
  • Export your Rebalance file to Microsoft Excel, modify the current percentage to reflect the percent of net liquidation you want the positions to have in Excel, then import the modified file back into Rebalance Portfolio.

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