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dpa-AFX Wirtschaftsnachrichten GmbH

dpa-AFX Wirtschaftsnachrichten GmbH

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General Company Information

dpa-AFX Wirtschaftsnachrichten GmbH is one of the leading news agencies for German and English language real-time financial and economic news. With a worldwide network of journalists, dpa-AFX provides independent, reliable and fast news on international financial and economic developments.

dpa-AFX ProFeed

dpa-AFX ProFeed tracks in real time key events on global financial markets. It delivers an average of 650 stories per day with up to 1,300 real-time news reports during peak periods as well as analysis and background information. dpa- AFX ProFeed is a comprehensive German-language news service, which reports on companies, markets and the economy from around the world with a focus on Germany, Europe, the US and Asia. The service is aimed at institutional as well as financial market professionals, such as traders, analysts, banking consultants and asset managers.

dpa-AFX Compact

dpa-AFX Compact is tailored to meet the information needs of a large target group. It is aimed at private and professional investors as well banking consultants and those interested in reading about economic issues. The near real-time news service includes main news on companies, markets and the economy. In addition, German ad-hoc press releases are published in real time. Also included are exclusive features such as analysts' stock recommendations and dpa-AFX Compact planning tool, The Trading Day at a Glance. Editors compile the service’s news content. dpa-AFX believes that the day’s top news stories are not just for the front pages of newspapers but should already be on your site the day of. The continual flow of news reports can increase customer loyalty and thus boosts your chances of marketing your website and improving the attractiveness of your intranet.

AWP Premium Global – the leading news service in Switzerland

AWP Premium Global is the flagship real-time global news service for professional and institutional market participants with particular interests in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. It provides fast, comprehensive, independent and factual information with more than 800 stories per day that can go up to over 1'400 real-time reports during peak periods. It covers a wide range of economic and financial topics: Company news, market reports,economic data and market-moving political events. The service provides comprehensive information on current market developments with a focus on Switzerland and Liechtenstein,while also covering Europe, USA and Asia. Breaking news, background reports, analyses and interviews make AWP Premium an indispensable source of information. AWP Premium is aimed primarily at financial professionals in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. These include traders, analysts, bank client advisors, asset managers, independent asset managers and also private investors.

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