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Application Programming Interface (API) Highlights

Our proprietary APIs let you create an automated rule-based trading system that takes advantage of IB's high-speed order routing functionality and broad market depth.

The API allows you to trade all products that are supported through TWS, including stocks, options, futures, forex, and bonds. Designed for professional traders who desire a highly efficient algorithmic trading solution, our APIs provide many advantages when designing and implementing a programmed trading strategy, including:

Use the following table to see which API technology best fits your needs.

Access Technology Programming Expertise Performance Code Platform Time to Production Has Sample Application
Java to Socket Professional Very robust and reliable; high performance. Available for all platforms including Windows, Mac, UNIX/Linux. High learning curve; longer time to production. Yes
C++ to Socket Professional Very robust and reliable; high performance. Sample code for Windows only. Socket protocol is platform independent. High learning curve; longer time to production. Yes
VB to ActiveX 1 Intermediate Somewhat robust and reliable (ActiveX can lose events); fairly high performance. Windows only. Medium learning curve; moderate time to production. Yes
DDE for Excel Beginner Limited; uses obsolete technologies; lower performance. Windows only. Small learning curve; rapid development time Yes
POSIX C++ Professional Very robust and reliable; high performance. POSIX-compliant platforms (Linux, (Non-MFC Windows applications) High learning curve; longer time to production. Yes
(Limited functionality)
  1. Also included in IB's API software is an Active X for Excel sample client for those customers who want to take advantage of our Active X API in an easy-to-use spreadsheet interface.