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IBKR Mobile for iOS Release Notes

Version 8.65 - December 2019

Mobile Homepage

Our new homepage consolidates key account, position and market updates - along with quick access to our "For You" notifications - all in one place. You can launch the relevant trading tool and view details from each tile. You can open the Homepage at any time from the menu. And coming soon, you'll be able to customize the layout to include tiles that are most useful to the the way you trade. This feature is in gradual rollout, so if you don't see it now don't worry it will be along shortly.

Version 8.64 - November 15, 2019

Fractional Trading and Cash Quantity for US Stock Orders

Want to buy just $500 worth of an expensive stock, or looking to diversify among more investments? Now you can - fractional share trading with the ability to enter order size in terms of dollar amounts is in gradual rollout.

Cash Quantity Orders: When using a Cash Quantity order, you specify the dollar amount you want to buy or sell instead of specifying the number of shares. Rather than buying five shares you elect to buy, for example, $500 worth of a stock. We purchase the equivalent number of shares for that value rounded down to the nearest whole share.

Cash Quantity with Fraction Trading: If you enable your account to Trade in Fractions, we will buy or sell a fraction of a share to use the full amount of cash you specified and get the greatest possible number of shares for your money. If you want to spend $500 but one share of the stock you want to buy is currently $1000, you would end up with 0.5 shares. The ability to trade in fractions also makes it easy for you to diversity your portfolio; if you have $500 to spend you can purchase fractional amounts in multiple companies when you otherwise might only be able to purchase whole shares in two or three companies.

To use cash quantity for an order, tap the arrow at the end of the Quantity field to display the Size Ladder, where you typically specify the number of shares for the order. Tap the currency heading from the toggle at the bottom (for example USD) and specify the cash amount you want to use. When the order fills, it will fill as close as possible to your specified amount, rounding down to the nearest whole share if you haven't enabled trading in fractions. Because the price may move before the order fills, we apply a "Cash Quantity Estimate Factor" when calculating the order quantity. This factor, set to 25% by default, increases the calculated order quantity to try to achieve the desired monetary outcome in cases where the price drops (for a buy) or rises (for a sell) by allowing more units to be bought or sold. You can change the default % in the Size section of the Stock presets in Configuration.

To enable fractional share trading, log into Client Portal and from the Settings menu select Account Settings. Click the gear icon next to Trading Experience & Permissions and expand the Stocks section. Check United States (Trade in Fractions). This feature is available to both IBKR Pro and IBKR Lite clients, and supported for a subset of US stocks.

Version 8.63 - October 4, 2019

Commission-Free Trading with IBKR Lite; Manual Order Time Entry

We are pleased to announce unlimited, commission-free trading of US exchange-listed stocks and ETFs - with no account minimums and no minimum activity fees - through our new IBKR Lite trading plan. Designed for the less active trader, IBKR Lite offers a simplified trading experience with free, non-consolidated market data for US stocks with CBOE ONE and low cost access to the global markets.

IBKR Lite supports trading on Client Portal as well as IBKR Mobile. To find out more, compare plans and request early access, visit the IBKR Lite information page. Currently available for clients in the US and India.

This release also includes support for Manual Order time entry for those accounts that require this feature.

Version 8.62 - September 3, 2019

Protect Data with Privacy Mode

Keep private data safe from prying eyes with Privacy Mode. Enabling this feature lets you see public data such as price and quantity, while keeping your account-specific personal data masked or hidden. To enable, tap the gear icon in your Portfolio or the Access & Security section of Configuration and then tap Enable Privacy Mode. Once enabled, get a quick peek at a sensitive value by tapping on the asterisks. Tap again to restore the asterisks and hide the value.

This release also includes several bug fixes to enhance overall performance.

Version 8.61 - July 22, 2019

FX Conversion Tool; Close Currency Balance from Portfolio and Account; IBot Supplemental Information

Introducing the mobile FX Conversion tool, designed to simplify managing your balances. Additionally, you can now close a currency balance directly from your Portfolio or Account screen.

We continue to enrich the IBot user experience by offering supplemental articles and information from external sources, like Wikipedia and Investopedia. These third-party additions are clearly marked in the IBot's search results.

This release also includes several bug fixes to enhance overall performance.

Version 8.60 - July 7, 2019

Fixes for Enhanced Performance

  • Fix to correct Watchlist sorting problem.
  • Fixed an issue associated with running the app on iOS 13 beta
  • Fixed an issue with clearing rules when an account has an alias.
Version 8.59 - April 18, 2019

Auto-Synchronized Watchlists; Base Currency Conversion Display

The new Watchlist Library provides effortless synchronization of your Watchlists across all platforms, ensuring you get the latest version whether you're logging into mobile, desktop, or Client Portal. There is no need to decide which lists to import or sync, as all of your lists are always available no matter where you are. And we've made it easier than ever for you to get started by offering a library of Watchlists to jump-start your trading. In cases where you've added a product on desktop that isn't yet supported on mobile or Client Portal, it's preserved and displayed correctly in all versions.

Additionally, Position and P&L fields display values in base currency. In cases where that value has been converted from another currency, the value is shown in italics.

Version 8.58 - March 1, 2019

Support for Mobile Direct Debit

US clients can now use electronic transfers via the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network to quickly and securely deposit funds, pay subscriptions and other recurring expenses and more, right from your account. Enroll in the Integrated Cash Management program via the Transfer & Pay menu in Client Portal (Account Management) to get started.

Version 8.57 - February 12, 2019

MidPrice Orders; mobile ChartTrader; Place Orders from Calendar Events

MidPrice Orders for Stocks: Get the best balance between price and speed with the new MidPrice order type for stock orders.

ChartTrader: Now use this intuitivew and powerful tool to set order pricing right from your chart. Open the chart from the sidebar on order entry, or use 3D touch on the chart to define a limit order.

Calendar Events: Now view Instrument Details and place an order from your event.

Other updates:

  • Full screen width on the new iPad Pro is not supported in IBKR Mobile.
  • The Services screen is now easier to access from within a trading session with a link at the top left of the More menu.
  • The Authenticate and Debit Card buttons have been moved to the Services menu.
  • Debit Card access has been moved into the new banking menu.
Version 8.56 - November 23, 2018

Add Events to Device Calendar; Numbers Row on Login; BBTV Asia; Added ESG and IV Data Points

Add Events to Device Calendar: Now you can add selected Events Calendar events to your device calendar. To do this, tap an event to display the Event Report. At the bottom right of the screen tap "Add to calendar." Agree to allow Events Calendar events to be added to your calendar once. You can also create an Alert using an event. From the Events Calendar, tap an event to open a report, and from the bottom left of the screen tap "Add alert." Use the wizard to finish creating the alert.

Login Numbers Row: We have added a row of numbers above the top row of letters on the virtual keyboard on the login screen to eliminate the extra tap needed to "show numbers" when logging in.

BBTV Asia: We've added a new video feed - Bloomberg TV Asia – to our mobile media lineup. To view BBTV Asia, use the Media tab on the News/Media page and select Bloomberg TV Asia. This feature is free to users and does not require any subscription.

New ESG and IV Data Points

Investors who are interested in considering more than just financial factors as they make their investment decisions now have a new tool in the form of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scores from Thomson Reuters. You can display these data points as columns in your Portfolio, Watchlists and Scanners. To include these columns to a screen, tap the three-dot "overflow" icon and select Edit Columns.

Both combined and individual (pillar) scores are available. Data columns for Combined Scores include:

  • ESG Combined Score - Thomson Reuters ESG Combined Score is an overall company score based on the reported information in the environmental, social and corporate governance pillars (ESG Score) with an ESG Controversies overlay. (comprises ESG Controversies Score, Resource Use Score, Emissions Score, Environmental Innovation Score, Workforce Score, Human Rights Score, Community Score, Product Responsibility Score, Management Score, Shareholders Score and CSR Strategy Score).
  • ESG Score - Thomson Reuters ESG Score is an overall company score based on the self-reported information in the environmental, social and corporate governance pillars. (comprises Resource Use Score, Emissions Score Environmental Innovation Score, Workforce Score, Human Rights Score, Community Score, Product Responsibility Score, Management Score, Shareholders Score, and CSR Strategy Score).

Data columns for category (Pillar) Scores include:

  • CSR Strategy Score - CSR strategy category score reflects a company's practices to communicate that it integrates the economic (financial), social and environmental dimensions into its day-to-day decision-making processes.
  • Community Score - Community category score measures the company's commitment towards being a good citizen, protecting public health and respecting business ethics.
  • ESG Controversies Score - ESG controversies category score measures a company's exposure to environmental, social and governance controversies and negative events reflected in global media.
  • Emissions Score - Emission category score measures a company's commitment and effectiveness towards reducing environmental emission in the production and operational processes.
  • Environmental Innovation Score - Environmental innovation category score reflects a company's capacity to reduce the environmental costs and burdens for its customers, and thereby creating new market opportunities through new environmental technologies and processes or eco-designed products.
  • Human Rights Score - Human rights category score measures a company's effectiveness towards respecting the fundamental human rights conventions.
  • Management Score - Management category score measures a company's commitment and effectiveness towards following best practice corporate governance principles.
  • Product Responsibility Score - Product responsibility category score reflects a company's capacity to produce quality goods and services integrating the customer's health and safety, integrity and data privacy.
  • Resource Use Score - Resource use category score reflects a company's performance and capacity to reduce the use of materials, energy or water, and to find more eco-efficient solutions by improving supply chain management.
  • Shareholders Score - Shareholders category score measures a company's effectiveness towards equal treatment of shareholders and the use of anti-takeover devices.
  • Workforce Score - Workforce category score measures a company's effectiveness towards job satisfaction, healthy and safe workplace, maintaining diversity and equal opportunities, and development opportunities for its workforce.

We've added 24 new IV data points to our trading platforms that you can display as columns in your Portfolio, Watchlists and Scanners. Implied Volatility (IV) data points for options include IV Percentile, IV Rank, IV High and IV Low, for 13, 26 and 52 week periods.

  • The IV Percentile data points indicate the percentage of days with implied volatility closing below the current implied volatility over the selected period.
  • The IV Rank data points indicate where the implied volatility ranks between the selected period's high and low. A low rank indicates that the current value is closer to its period low.
  • The IV High and IV Low data points show the maximum and minimum closing value (respectively) of the implied volatility over the selected time period.

Historical Volatility (HV) data points include HV Percentile, HV Rank, HV High and HV Low, for 13, 26 and 52 week periods.

  • The HV Percentile data points indicate the percentage of days with historical volatility closing below the current implied volatility over the selected period.
  • The HV Rank data points indicate where the historical volatility ranks between the selected period's high and low. A low rank indicates that the current value is closer to its period low.
  • The HV High and HV Low data points show the maximum and minimum closing value (respectively) of the 30-day historical volatility over the selected time period.

To add these data columns to a screen, swipe down to display the Edit feature, and tap the Manage Columns icon to the left of Edit. At the bottom of the screen tap +Add Columns. Find IV columns in the Options section, and HV columns in the Prices section.

Version 8.55 - November 20, 2018

Econoday Data Added to Event Calendar

The Event Calendar now includes institutional-quality global economic events data by Econoday. Their senior economists provide jargon-free, market-focused highlights for each event, which you can read by tapping an event headline to expand. To disable Econoday Events, tap the adjustor icon in the top right corner of the Event Calendar screen and use the Econoday Events toggle to disable this data.

Event Calendar On-the-Go

The Events Calendar, from which you can view Corporate Earnings and Events, Economic Events, Dividends, Splits and IPO/Secondary Offerings - all from one screen - is now available on IBKR Mobile from the More menu.

Additionally, view Calendar Events for a specific instrument. From an asset's Instrument Details page, swipe up to display the "Calendar Events" option. Tap to display key events, then tap "All" events for the symbol to view the full Calendar for that symbol, or tap "View Calendar" to switch to the full Events Calendar page.

Version 8.54 - October 15, 2018

Stream Bloomberg TV; Trade Summary; Reduce Tabs in Tab Bar

In addition to screen layout improvements throughout the app, we have added several other key enhancements:

  • The Portfolio news page has been renamed "News & Media." Use the new "Media" tab to stream live Bloomberg TV, Traders' Insight and more. Tap the Portfolio News tab to see the traditional Portfolio News display.
  • Use the new "Trade" page that has been added to the Tab Bar to see a summary of recent activity, including the number of recent orders and trades, to quickly create a buy or sell order, and to view recent symbols you have added or used (tap "Quote") to quickly place new orders.
  • The Login window now includes a "Cancel" button so that you no longer have to tap outside the window to cancel your login.
  • The tab bar sits at the bottom of the app and provides quick, one-tap access to select features. If the tab bar is too crowded for your taste, access Configure from the main menu and from the Display section disable "Allow six tab" to reduce the number of tabs to five.
Version 8.53 - August 21, 2018

Browse Seven Days of Trades

The Trades section of the Orders & Trades screen now allows you to browse seven days of trades, instead of just today's trades.

Version 8.52 - July 9, 2018

Support for Bonds and Mutual Funds

You can now trade corporate and municipal bonds and mutual funds on-the-go with IBKR Mobile. This latest release also includes several minor bug fixes

Order Presets Available in Mobile

By allowing you to define values you use most often, Order Presets decrease time to market for your orders.This feature is now supported in IBKR Mobile. Desktop-defined presets are saved to the Cloud and available for mobile trading. Additionally, you can create new presets for mobile on product types and for specific tickers. To manage and create mobile presets, use the Configuration menu and select Cloud and then Trading Settings. Select a product type and then modify Timing, Size, Primary Order, Target Order, Attached Stops, Miscellaneous, and Precautionary settings. To define a preset on a specific ticker, tap New Ticker-Specific setting at the bottom of the product type Presets page, and follow the wizard steps to "Create Preset for..." a specific symbol. You will see the current list of symbol presets for this product type and can edit them from this same screen.

Presets are applied automatically to your orders; if you create a stock preset for XYZ that includes a size of 500 shares with the Relative order type as the default, when you select XYZ to create an order it will be default start as a Relative order for 500 shares. You can always make changes to Preset values before you submit the order.

Note that IBKR Mobile does not support all of the preset parameters available in TWS for Desktop, and only displays values that are supported.

Performance Profile in Mobile Spreads

The Performance Profile helps demonstrate the key performance characteristics of an option or complex option strategy. Now view the Performance Profile for your spread in IBKR Mobile. From the Spread Template, tap the right arrow at the bottom of the spread to display more sections. Expand Performance Details and scroll down to view the P&L Performance Graph and Scenarios. Customize the Performance Graph by changing P&L to Delta, Gamma, Theta or Rho, and by using the Max Move percentages and available expirations.

Version 8.51 - May 21, 2018

Debit Mastercard: How Much Can You Spend?

When you access your Interactive Brokers Debit Mastercard from IBKR Mobile, you can now check your available spending limit prior to making a pre-authorization. Simply click "Check" under "How much can I spend." The value shown is the spending limit as of the time shown, e.g. Updated 1 minute ago, and shows the amount available for pre-authorization.

Additional enhancements include:

  • More columns are available to add to the Orders & Trades window. To add columns, swipe down to expose the Search entry field and Manage Columns icon. Tap the Manage Icons icon and use the "Add Columns" command at the bottom of the manager to include additional columns.
  • The Market Data section of Quote Details now shows values specific to the security type, similar to Quote Details in Mosaic.
  • Watchlists: We've increased Watchlist limits to support 50 Watchlists with up to 200 assets per Watchlist page. Quickly create a new Watchlist by tapping "+New List" along the list of existing Watchlist titles.
Version 8.50 - May 15, 2018

See Debit/Credit in Limit Price Field

To help you understand at a glance the impact that trading a complex, multi-leg strategy will have on your account, we now include the label "Debit" or "Credit" along with the limit price.

Version 8.49 - April 12, 2018

Performance Details for Options and Spreads; Total SPX Delta and Theta on Portfolio

Analyze option and spread characteristics, including Return-to-Risk Ratio, Profit Probability, Delta, Max Return, Max Loss and more with the Performance Details section of the Instrument Details (and Orders) screen. To manage the display of this and other sections and to change the order in which sections appear in the Instrument Details screen, tap the "More" icon in the top right corner of the chain, and then tap "Sections." Check or uncheck a section to display or hide it. Grab the "move" icon to the right of a section to drag its position up or down to change the section position on the screen.

Additionally, you can now view aggregated Theta and Total SPX (beta-weighted) Delta in your portfolio. Theta measures time decay for your options and futures options positions. A positive theta indicates that, all else remaining the same, the account value may grow over time. It may also indicate greater risk to your when the underlying price swings and raises implied volatility (from being short gamma). The opposite is true for a negative theta.The beta-weighted SPX Delta can help you understand your exposure at a glance (relative to the SPX index) which in turn may be helpful in deciding whether you want to hedge your portfolio by selling SPX Delta exposure, or increase your portfolio's exposure by buying it. To view, use the "Details" down arrow to expand the panel, and swipe left and right to view all available metrics.

This release also includes several back-end bug fixes to improve performance.

Version 8.48 - March 22, 2018

Option Spread Templates; Improved Charts and Instrument Details Display; Data Panel for iPad

Create and Compare Strategies with Spread Template

Spread Templates make it easy to create a complex multi-leg spread by providing a pick list of the most used strategies and an intuitive grid display for spreads. The new Spread Templates let you:

  • Quickly compare prices across a range of similar combinations and pick the one you want.
  • Easily compare tightness of the bid/ask spread for multiple strategies and quickly pick the one with the best spread.
  • Search for the most appropriate strategy to hedge an existing position via the "Delta" and "Gamma" display in each grid box.

Each box in the grid displays key information such as price, spread, delta and gamma. You can fine-tune grid strategies by adjusting filters.

To use the Spread Template, open Quote Details for an instrument and tap "Spreads" from the top row of action buttons. Alternatively, select "Spread Template" from the asset type list when searching for a symbol to add to a Watchlist. From the Spread Template, select a strategy, (e.g. Calendar, Vertical, or Diagonal). Choose either Calls or Puts, and use the filter icon to define date filters or to filter out weeklies. Once filters are defined, swipe through to find the best available strategies based on spread, price, Delta and Gamma. Tap a square to add the legs to the strategy at the bottom of the screen. Gamma and Delta are shown along with the combo premium, and update if you edit the strategy.

You can easily remove legs or change the leg ratio or leg side. Once your strategy is complete, use the icons below the legs to add the strategy to your Watchlist, trade the spread (Buy or Sell) or open Quote Details for the spread.

Display Improvements

When viewing a chart in the expanded Instrument Details view, you can tap, hold and drag your finger across the chart to view the date/time wand. We have changed the display to show the date/time along the top of the chart (rather than at the bottom) so it doesn't interfere with the prices along the horizontal axis. The price for each date/time displays along the vertical price axis.

We have added an easy-to-read bid/ask display to the Instrument Details display. When you tap an instrument from a Watchlist or Portfolio, the BID and ASK size and price displays immediately below the instrument line.

Data Panel for iPad

For iPad, you can now view additional data using the slide-out account/instrument panel. Grab the panel using the vertical line on the bottom right corner of a screen. Tap, hold and swipe to slide out a data panel that shows key account metrics along with instrument data on a list of symbols. Tap the "Customize This List" icon to the right of the panel to modify the list of instruments displayed.

Version 8.47 - February 08, 2018

More "Desktop" Columns; Option Exercise Screen; Access Account Management; TipRanks; More IBot Access

Note that our mobile trading app has been renamed "IBKR Mobile" and includes integrated IB Key second-factor authentication and IB Debit MasterCard authorization.

  • You can now include more than 50 new columns in the mobile version of TWS. To add columns, swipe down in a Watchlist and tap the "Manage Columns" icon. At the bottom of the screen tap "Add Columns" and open a category (e.g. Price, Dividends, Fundamentals - Popular etc) then tap the "+" sign next to a column name to add it.

  • Open the new Option Exercise screen from the Trade section of the More menu. View all available long and short equity option, future option and warrant positions. Positions marked with a "zig zag" icon should be considered as candidates for early exercise.Tap a contract to view details, tap again for extended Quote Details that now includes more detailed market and positions information.

  • You can now access Account Management from the Account section of the More menu. Tap Account Management and then tap the section to access. Choose from: Transaction History, Activity Statements, PortfolioAnalyst, Fund Transfers, Position Transfers, Message Center, Market Data Permissions, Trading Permissions, and Trade Reports.

  • TipRanks Analyst Ratings and Sentiment & News is now available from any Quote Details screen for supported instruments. To view Quote Details, tap an instrument from the Watchlist or other screen to expand the data, and tap again to access Quote Details. From the NEWS| RESEARCH| REPORTS section of the screen tap "RESEARCH" and then elect to view either Analyst Ratings or Sentiment & News under the TipRanks section.

  • We've made it much easier for you to use IBot for help by adding it to more screens, including the Quote Details and Orders screens. Simply tap to open IBot and enter your command in plain English. IBot can perform trade-related actions like helping you to create sophisticated orders (many that you can't yet find on the Orders screen like LIT and MIT), find reference information on the IBKR website, and help you with Account Management-related tasks.