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Registered Investment Advisors can now view and download Form 13F and Form 13D/G compliance reports. Advisors can view and download .CSV or MS Excel reports from the Reports > Supplemental > Compliance menu.
Form 13F is the Information Required of Institutional Investors, required for Advisors with investment discretion over accounts with aggregate fair market value of $100 million or more in Section 13(f) securities as of the last trading day of any of the preceding 12 months. Form 13D/G is the Beneficial Ownership Report, which Section 13(d) requires if the Advisor owns or manages more than 5% of the voting class of any equity security registered under Section 12 of the Exchange Act.
For more information about setting up three-tier Advisor accounts, see the Account Management Users' Guide.
The Default Activity Statement for accounts with models now includes a Model Summary at the top of the statement followed by the full statement for the account. This applies to HTML-, PDF- and CSV-formatted statements for all periods.
We've added a new report to PortfolioAnalyst Detailed reports - the Trade Summary. The Trade Summary report shows information for all trades made in the selected time period, grouped by asset type and then by currency. Information includes symbol; description; sector; and quantity, average price and proceeds from buys and sells.
For more information about PortfolioAnalyst, see the Account Management Users' Guide.
In Activity Statements, we've added the Issuer field to the Financial Information section for municipal bonds.
Our Reporting Integration Tool has been updated to include a new activity code for settled commissions, SCOM. Activity codes are used to identify the TransactionType in the Activity File layout. For more information about our Reporting Integration Tool, see the Reporting Integration Tool Developer's Guide.
When generating an Activity Statement, you can now select CSV (comma-separated values) as the output format. For those IB clients who have been using the Excel format for their statements, we recommend using the new CVS format; however, we will continue to make the Excel format available listed as Excel (Legacy) on the Activity Statements page in Account Management.
Canadian customer accounts, which are automatically assigned to our IB Canada (IB-CA) entity, no longer have access to the Tax Optimizer.
We've added two new reports to PortfolioAnalyst. Both reports are available in Detailed PortfolioAnalyst reports:
For more information about PortfolioAnalyst, see the Account Management Users' Guide.
You can save Trade Confirmation reports in PDF format. Simply select PDF as the Format when you set up your Trade Confirmation report. For more information about Trade Confirmation reports, see the Account Management Users' Guide.
Activity Statements have been updated with the following changes:
In PortfolioAnalyst, you can now change the time period on the Summary tab to Custom Period, which lets you enter a starting and ending date to define a range of dates. The values and percent change in value displayed on the Summary tab will change to reflect your time period selection.
If you have created and saved models in TWS, you can include model information in an Activity Flex Query. In the Model section of the Flex Query you are creating, now when you select All to include data for all models joined together or you select the Independent model, accounts that do not have models will also be included as the Independent model.
In compliance with the European Alternative Investment Fund Management Directive (AIFMD), we have added information to our Daily Activity Statements.
Who is Affected?
What Changes Will You See in Your Daily Statements?
Daily Activity Statements for our clients in the European Economic Area (EEA) who are affected by the AIFMD will now contain two new sections:
Any Activity Statement or Activity Flex Query request that includes over 20,000 activities or over 250 accounts are automatically submitted for batch processing and can be viewed on the Reports > Activity > Batch Reports page in Account Management.
Please note that Activity Statements and Flex Queries larger than 100 MB are no longer submitted for batch processing. Requests for statements this large cause problems on our web server. Instead of batch processing these large statements, you can request FTP delivery instead by contacting us at reportingintegration@interactivebrokers.com.
We've added three charts to the Performance Attribution Report, available when you create a Detailed report in PortfolioAnalyst. A new second page of the Performance Attribution Report includes two charts - a Total Cumulative Attribution Effect line chart and an Attribution Effect bar chart that also includes a line representing total attribution. A third page of the report includes a scatter plot that shows average weight versus percent contribution return for each sector. The scatter plots lets you see at a glance how your weighting (sector allocation) and contribution to return for each sector compares to the S&P 500 for the period of the return.
We've updated the custom date range limits for activity statements and other reports for which you can select a custom range of dates as the time period. You can now select a date range up to 366 days for a leap year. The existing limit of 365 days still applies to custom date ranges in a non-leap year.
The Audit Trail Log in EmployeeTrack Management allows Compliance Officers to view a list of all statement views and comment entries for a selected employee account. We've added a Print button so that Compliance Officers can now print the Audit Trail Log.
You can now save margin reports in PDF or CSV (comma-separated values) format. You can open CSV formatted-reports in Microsoft Excel or a similar program. When you select PDF or CSV as the format for a margin report and generate the report, you will be prompted to view or save the file. Access margin reports from the Reports > Risk menu.
PortfolioAnalyst lets you see your financial performance in external investment, checking, savings, annuity, incentive plan and credit card accounts. Your displayed financial performance now includes the return percentage for each financial institution for the selected time period.
Note that PortfolioAnalyst external accounts are NOT currently available to Advisor and Broker Masters, Money Managers or Non-disclosed Broker clients.
Learn more about PortfolioAnalyst external accounts.
The Models page, where Advisors, Money Managers, Advisor clients, Fund Investment Managers or Funds can view statements for Models created in TWS, has been moved. You can now access the Models page from the Reports > Activity menu. Previously, the Models page was available from the Reports > Supplemental menu.
Beginning with this release, a new default statement is available for our clients who have divided their accounts into partitions. The Partition Summary is now available from the Statements drop-down list on the Reports > Activity > Statements page in Account Management.
The Partition Summary contains the following summary sections at the top of the statement:
Below the summary sections are concatenated statements for each partition.
Note that the Calendar Year time period is not available for the Partition Summary.
PortfolioAnlayst now lets you add external accounts, including investment, checking, savings, annuity, incentive plan and credit card accounts, and see your financial performance across the industry in a single view. To support this new feature, we've added the following tabbed pages to PortfolioAnlayst:
For more information on external accounts, see Viewing External Accounts in the Reporting Guide.
We've added TradeLog to the list of available third-party services that let our clients download their activity data from their websites. Third-party services already available include Mint and CashEdge. Access the Third-Party Services page in Account Management from the Reports > Settings menu.
For more information on third-party services, see Third-Party Services in the Reporting Guide.
Our Reporting Integration Tool has been updated to Version 1.94. This version adds the following fields:
For more information on our Reporting Integration Tool, see our Reporting Integration Tool Developer's Guide.
Our EmployeeTrack data feed has been updated to Version 1.4. This version adds the Bloombert Global ID field to the Positions, Transactions and Security files.
For more information on our EmployeeTrack data feed, see our EmployeeTrack Data Feed Users' Guide.
PortfolioAnalyst has been updated to display default reports and your own saved custom reports on separate tabs.
Note that IB clients who are participating in our External Accounts Beta program will see the Summary tab appear first when they open PortfolioAnalyst. This feature is documented in the Reporting Users' Guide and Account Management User's Guide.
In addition to the changes described above, institutions and clients with multiple accounts can now save Consolidated reports in CSV format. Consolidated reports include a single set of data from multiple selected accounts.