PortfolioAnalyst Release Notes

December 2020

Week Ending December 18, 2020

Performance by Long & Short Report Now Available for External Accounts

  • Previously the Performance by Long & Short report was offered to IBKR accounts only but is now offered to external accounts at no extra cost. The Projected Income report is the outstanding premium report offered only to IBKR accounts.

November 2020

Week Ending November 28, 2020

Premium Reports Now Available for External Accounts

  • Previously premium reports were offered to IBKR accounts only but are now offered to external accounts at no extra cost. The reports include:
    • Allocation and Performance by Sector
    • Performance Attribution vs. S&P 500
    • Performance by Asset Class
    • Performance by Financial Instrument
    • Performance by Underlying
    • Performance by Symbol

Now offering rates as benchmarks

  • The Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) in USD is now available.

October 2020

Week Ending October 28, 2020

New PDF Reports

  • Reports are getting a fresh new look.
  • General changes include modern styles, reduced blank space, fewer pages, more analytics and faster report generation.

New Fixed Income Report

  • Analyze your bond portfolio with our new Fixed Income report.
  • Updated look and feel to make managing your external accounts a transparent and seamless process.

New Allocation and Performance by Sector Report

  • Legacy reports Allocation by Sector and Performance by Sector have been combined into our new Allocation and Performance by Sector report.
  • The allocation section now offers amount and percent change over time. Δ represents change.
  • The performance section now offers MTM performance represented in amount and percent.

Add Synopsis to Custom Snapshot Report

  • Add a text-based cover letter to address your clients.
  • When creating a custom Snapshot report, click Assign a Synopsis? Yes in the Optional Pages section.
    • You must create and save a synopsis before you can select one here.

September 2020

Week Ending September 18, 2020

New Detailed Offline Accounts
Add brokerage, bank, credit cards, other asset and other liability accounts without entering your external financial institution login credentials.
Test trading strategies by configuring a What-If portfolio with offline accounts.

New External Accounts Tab
Full desktop and mobile support for all browsers and operating systems.
Updated look and feel to make managing your external accounts a transparent and seamless process.

July 2020

Week Ending July 10, 2020

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Scores for Portfolio Checkup

Socially conscious investors can now analyze their portfolio's consolidated ESG scores.

ESG Ratings include:

  • ESG Score - an overall company score based on the self-reported information in the environmental, social and corporate governance pillars (Comprised of Resource Use Score, Emissions Score Environmental Innovation Score, Workforce Score, Human Rights Score, Community Score, Product Responsibility Score, Management Score, Shareholders Score, and CSR Strategy Score).
  • ESG Controversies Score - measures a company's exposure to environmental, social and governance controversies and negative events reflected in global media.
  • ESG Combined Score - the simple weighted average of all ESG Combined Scores for all companies within the fund based on the reported information in the environmental, social and corporate governance pillars (ESG Score) with an ESG Controversies overlay. Low controversies score indicate the companies within the fund on average have received negative events or there have been new developments from past negative events in the last fiscal year.
  • Percentage of companies in your portfolio that have an ESG score.

May 2020

Week Ending May 29, 2020

Annualized Returns in Historical Performance

Annualized returns are now available in our custom Historical Performance and Historical Performance Benchmark Comparison reports.

April 2020

Week Ending April 17, 2020

Projected Income Enhancements

Your estimated remaining income for the year is now available for analysis alongside estimated rolling annual income.
Special dividends are now included in the breakout of projected income.

March 2020

Week Ending March 6, 2020

New Concentration Report is Available Online

In February, we began offering a concentration report in PDF/CSV format. This is now available online under the Fund Parser tab.

February 2020

Week Ending February 7, 2020

New Performance by Underlying Report

Analyze your corporate exposure by grouping the performance (available for TWR or MWR) of your portfolio's derivatives and underlying positions… and more:

  • Top Contributors by Underlying Exposure
  • Bottom Contributors by Underlying Exposure
  • Contribution by Underlying and Derivative
New Consolidated Online View for Master Account Type

Select your master account in the account picker and view your portfolio's consolidated online performance by financial instrument. This consolidated view includes all linked and funded sub accounts.

January 2020

Week Ending January 24, 2020

New Concentration Report

The following features are now included in your parsed portfolio:

  • Long and short breakout
  • Top Holdings
  • Asset Allocation
  • Sector Allocation
  • Region Allocation
  • Country Allocation
  • Financial Instrument Allocation
  • Exposure

Earlier this month, we announced that SPXT is now our default benchmark. Going foward, it will now be referred to SPXTR.

Week Ending January 10, 2020


Historically, dividends were included in SPX returns as SPXT was not offered until this year. Now that we offer SPXT and SPX, dividends have been removed from SPX. SPXT is now our default benchmark. The Performance Attribution vs. S&P 500 report is unchanged and will continue to include dividends.