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Aequitas NEO Lit Exchange Fees

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Stock price < $1.00, All per share (Retail) CAD 0.0003 CAD (0.0001)
Stock price < $1.00 All per share (Others) CAD 0.0004 CAD (0.0001)
Stock price ≥ $1.00 per share (Retail) CAD 0.0012 CAD (0.0008)
Stock price ≥ $1.00 per share (Others) CAD 0.0013 CAD (0.0008)
Interlisted stocks < $1.00, only3 per share (Retail) CAD 0.0003 CAD (0.0001)
Interlisted stocks < $1.00, only3 per share (Other) CAD 0.0004 CAD (0.0001)
Interlisted stocks ≥ $1.00, only3 per share (Retail) CAD 0.0025 CAD (0.0021)
Interlisted stocks ≥ $1.00, only3 per share (Other) CAD 0.0026 CAD (0.0021)
Interlisted Stocks, Unintentional Cross CAD 0.0025 CAD (0.0025)
ETF per share (Retail) CAD 0.0016 CAD (0.0012)
ETF per share (Other) CAD 0.0017 CAD (0.0012)
ETF, Unintentional Cross CAD 0.0016 CAD (0.0016)
On Open per share CAD 0.0010 CAD 0.0010
On Close per share CAD 0.0010 CAD 0.0010
Odd lot trade CAD 0.0000 CAD 0.0000
Unintentional Cross < $1.00 CAD 0.0004 CAD (0.0004)
Unintentional Cross ≥ $1.00 CAD 0.0012 CAD (0.0012)
Self Trade CAD 0.0000 CAD 0.0000


  • Rebates are in parentheses.
  1. Orders that are immediately executed against an existing bid or offer on an exchange's or ECN's order book.
  2. Adding an order to an exchange or ECN's order book before being executed.
  3. A list of stocks eligible for Interlisted pricing is available from the Aequitas NEO exchange website