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Tech Dividends – Part II

Tech Dividends – Part II

Posted October 21, 2019 at 1:18 am

Jonathan Regenstein
Reproducible Finance

See part I for instructions on required packages and datasets: /campus/ibkr-quant-news/tech-dividends-part-i/. The below is the full call:

nasdaq %>% 
  clean_names() %>%
  mutate(market_cap = 
          if_else(str_detect(market_cap, "M|B", negate = TRUE), 
                  str_remove_all(market_cap, "\\$") %>% as.numeric() %>% `/`(1000),
          if_else(str_detect(market_cap, "B"), 
                  str_remove_all(market_cap, "\\$|B") %>% as.numeric() %>% `*`(1000), 
          str_remove_all(market_cap, "\\$|M") %>% as.numeric()))) %>%
# A tibble: 3,547 x 7
   symbol company   last_sale_price market_cap ipo_year sector  industry   
   <chr>  <chr>               <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>   <chr>      
 1 MSFT   Microsof…           133.     1018490     1986 Techno… Computer S…
 2 AAPL   Apple In…           203.      915770     1980 Techno… Computer M…
 3 AMZN   Amazon.c…          1750.      865460     1997 Consum… Catalog/Sp…
 4 GOOGL  Alphabet…          1154.      799890       NA Techno… Computer S…
 5 GOOG   Alphabet…          1151.      798300     2004 Techno… Computer S…
 6 FB     Facebook…           178.      507110     2012 Techno… Computer S…
 7 CSCO   Cisco Sy…            46.6     199520     1990 Techno… Computer C…
 8 INTC   Intel Co…            45.0     199170       NA Techno… Semiconduc…
 9 CMCSA  Comcast …            42.4     192840       NA Consum… Television…
10 PEP    Pepsico,…           130.      182140       NA Consum… Beverages …
# … with 3,537 more rows

That finally looks how we were expecting, the top five by market cap are MSFTAMZNGOOGFB and CSCO. Let’s save that as an object called nasdaq_wrangled.

nasdaq_wrangled <- 
  nasdaq %>% 
  clean_names() %>%
  mutate(market_cap = 
          if_else(str_detect(market_cap, "M|B", negate = TRUE), 
                  str_remove_all(market_cap, "\\$") %>% as.numeric() %>% `/`(1000),
          if_else(str_detect(market_cap, "B"), 
                  str_remove_all(market_cap, "\\$|B") %>% as.numeric() %>% `*`(1000), 
          str_remove_all(market_cap, "\\$|M") %>% as.numeric()))) %>%

Now let’s dig in to the dividends paid by these NASDAQ-listed companies that have IPO’d in the last ten years. It’s a bit anticlimactic because most haven’t paid any dividends but here we go. First, let’s pull just the tickers for companies that IPO’d after 2007, by setting filter(ipo_year > 2007).

nasdaq_tickers <- 
nasdaq_wrangled %>% 
  filter(ipo_year > 2007) %>% 

nasdaq_tickers %>% 
[1] "FB"   "AVGO" "JD"   "TSLA" "PDD"  "TEAM"

We will import the dividend data using tq_get(source = 'dividends'), which is a wrapper for quantmod::getDividends() and sources dividend data from Yahoo! Finance.

We are passing 1120 symbols to this function but only those that pay a dividend will come back to us. It takes a while to run this because we still have to check on all 1120.

nasdaq_dividends <-
nasdaq_tickers %>%
  tq_get(get = 'dividends') %>%

After a huge data import task like that, I like to use slice(1) to grab the first observation from each group, which in this case will be each symbol. We can count the number symbols for which we have a dividend and it’s 130.

nasdaq_dividends %>% 
 group_by(symbol) %>% 
  slice(1) %>% 
Observations: 128
Variables: 3
Groups: symbol [128]
$ symbol    <chr> "AGNC", "AMAL", "ATAI", "AVGO", "AY", "BKEP", "BLMN", …
$ date      <date> 2009-03-31, 2018-11-15, 2011-06-28, 2010-12-13, 2014-…
$ dividends <dbl> 0.850, 0.060, 0.430, 0.070, 0.037, 0.110, 0.060, 0.003…

We could also get a sense for how these first dividend payments cluster into years by using count(year). Note we need to ungroup() first.

nasdaq_dividends %>% 
 group_by(symbol) %>% 
  slice(1) %>% 
  mutate(year = year(date)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
# A tibble: 11 x 2
    year     n
   <dbl> <int>
 1  2009     3
 2  2010     8
 3  2011     6
 4  2012     8
 5  2013    14
 6  2014    12
 7  2015    14
 8  2016    12
 9  2017    11
10  2018    28
11  2019    12

And a chart will help to communicate these yearly frequencies.

nasdaq_dividends %>% 
 group_by(symbol) %>% 
  slice(1) %>% 
  mutate(year = year(date)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  count(year) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(year, n)) + 
  geom_col(fill = "cornflowerblue", width = .5) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 2008:2019) + 
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 15)) +
  labs(y = "number of first dividends by year", x = "")

Stay tuned for the next installment in which Jonathan will create a quick chart of the last dividend paid by each of these 130 companies, using slice(n()) and will plot a dot with geom_point().

Any stock, options or futures symbols displayed are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to portray recommendations.

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